Sunday, December 5, 2010

Exploring the winter countryside

Yesterday, I decided to go explore the winter countryside. I woke up to seeing white everywhere after a few days of it having melted.
Although there was tons of snow in Sutton, there was much less as I wandered through Frelighsburg and Dunham. You could still see patches of green in the fields. I guess I will have to wait for a few more snowfalls. The weather forecast looks good: lots of flurries in the next few days and lots of cold to keep it on the ground.

Picture from Domaine Pinnacle website
 In any case, I stopped by the Domaine Pinnacle to take a few pictures of the apples that will soon become ice cider. Anyone who has ever tried their cider can attest to becoming addicted. It has such lovely crisp apple flavors. The secret to the delicious taste is that they leave the apples on the trees and then harvest the apples in January once the sugars have become more concentrated.

I will be back for more pictures and a bit more cider once the snow looks more dramatic.


  1. Maybe you can hook me up with a bottle...sounds delicious!!!

  2. You'll have to come for a visit to try some ;-)
