Wow, I can't believe how fast time flies. I just realized that I have not posted since September. Life has been full of many ups and downs. We had a trip to Paris/Brussels in the fall and had a lovely visit with my sister and her family. Then, Christmas came quickly and we enjoyed the visit of my parents. Despite the cold, we had a great time by the fire and watching all the birds at the bird feeder. Through it all, there have been minor updates to the house: bookshelves finished, stairs finished, window sills and frames finished and painted, but more on that in a later post.
For a while, life seemed to be going along smoothly. I was busy working and learning a new role. Gilles started working from home and settling into a routine. It was quite an adjustment for him to go from building the dream house 7 days a week to sitting behind a computer, but he is enjoying being at home and having the flexibility that a typical 9-5 job does not offer.

In life, just like knitting, things seem to go along smoothly until one day you drop a stitch or your realize that it is not quite what you wanted in the first place. Well, 2 weeks ago, when I went into to work, I was told that my position was being eliminated. I went home and had a chance to think about my options and what my next move would be. All of a sudden, it was as if life was coming unraveled. What would my next move be? Did I still want to work in banking with the possibility of a long commute? Was there a message I was supposed to find in all of this? Should I start my own business or change careers?
Well, I went back to work the next day. Little by little, I started to just let things happen, to let my mind wander to all the possibilities. By the end of the week, I knew in my heart that my next move would not involve banking. I feel the need to use more of my creative side in whatever I take on next. Last Monday was my last day. Since then, the ideas have been flowing and the exploration has begun in earnest.
I know that I love my new home. I love the area that I live in. I feel the need to do something in my community. I don't know what comes next, but I feel well supported from those near and far. I will update you all on my next move. In the meantime, send positive thoughts/ prayers my way.
Dear Lucinda,
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you will find something fitting for your new worklife, as I know I will too. After 27 years in law firms I have been off work since the end of October. I'm still in the process of choosing my new direction but I know it will come soon. I hope it does for you too!
Your husband's cousin, Marie
Thinking of you, dear friend, and am VERY confident you'll come through this and into a brighter opportunity. How long have we been talking about this?! Maybe this is just what you needed to detach from the old securities and step-out into something new and creative, even if it's a little scary at first. If anyone can do it, YOU can! Be encouraged!
ReplyDeleteCarpe Diem baby!! It's your big year!! If not now, when?? Vamos, mijita!