Carrot Cake -
To be honest, I have never been a big fan of carrot cake, but I have never really made a point to try it. Maybe it is the fact that carrot cake often has raisins and well, raisins make me gag. They are just gross. Anyways, last night Gilles and Steve began one of their usual rants. However, this time it did not involve an endless conversation about stair treads, 2 X 4's or other construction related stuff. Nope, this time it was about carrot cake and where is the best place in Vancouver to get a great carrot cake. Seriously, carrot cake can't be that good to inspire such a conversation.

Regardless, today I went to the construction site for lunch. It was a big day and I got to witness the raising of the south wall on the second floor. It was quite spectacular. I will get to that in more detail. When I got home, I wanted to do something special for Gilles and Steve. So, I figured carrot cake was the way to go. Oh, I also made homemade mac and cheese but that was jus comfort food and not as special. I searched on and found a winner or at least 2,876 people thought so. I figured what the heck and got busy making it, icing and all.

Today, when I got to the construction site, I was excited to see the north wall up and lots of plywood skirting the perimeter to the second floor. It felt like things were really coming along. I put aside my fear of heights and climbed upstairs. Gilles and Steve were almost ready to raise the South wall. It was great to see them working. Steve was busy cutting lumber for the wall. Gilles was busy scurrying hauling lumber up to the second floor and getting the wall ready by adding a 2X6 here and there.

It was a glorious warm fall day. The guys were really breaking a sweat. It was a nice change from all the cold rain we had last week. They worked and they worked and the big moment eventually came. The wall was raised in 3 parts. They make a good team and the work shows.
When they were raising and adjusting the middle part, a black and yellow butterfly flew through the window. It was such a lovely site. To see nature come and go through our home. It might seem sappy, but it felt like a good omen.
I look forward to see what the rest of the week will bring. I know the forecast will bring showers, but I am confident it will also bring a few extra walls and a few other advancements.
Stay tuned for more. In the meantime, for more pics on today's grand wall raising, click on the
But what of the carrot cake, was it well received? My brother-in-law made one once, but forgot to put in the flour, so it was just goo in the bottom of the pan. Don't keep us looked delicious (I'm trying to learn to enjoy pecans...I'm coming around to them, at least they're better than walnuts!)
ReplyDeleteThe guys loved it!! I even had a piece and had to admit that carrot cake was a good thing. They ate a big chunk out of it. I am guessing it might last for 2 more days. Luckily, they are out all day so they can't eat it so quickly
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as a CCC (carrot cake connoisseur), I can confirm that this cake was delicious! Of course, REAL carrot cake has walnuts, not pecans, so it was more of a nutty spice cake -- also super good!