The main concern last week was the roof. Gilles found someone who will be able to put the metal roof on. It is quite technical and quite dangerous to be so high. They came towards the end of the week and got to work right away. So, far most of the membrane is on. This week, they should get the metal roofing on and the house should stay dry.
Open tread Stairs to the 2nd floor |
Gilles also set up the temporary stairs that go to the upstairs and down to the basement. It is so much easier than going up a flimsy ladder. This will make life much easier, especially when the windows get delivered.
Also, Gilles installed the chimney for the wood stove. We are hoping it will get delivered by the end of the week. With the windows on and the wood stove functioning, Gilles is going to be quite toasty working in the house. For now it is a bit too cold for Chulita to spend the day on the construction site. Soon enough, the house will be heated and she will resume her role as construction supervisor.
Life is changing here in Sutton: the snow is coming, the leaves are gone, and the rhythm of life is slowing down. I can focus on being a local and making healthy meals. No more chewy dip granola bars for Gilles. Instead, today I made my first végépâté since we arrived. I am looking forward to exploring more culinary exploits. I am looking forward to curling. Mostly, I am looking forward to staying put and not traveling.
Today, we woke up to a snowy day. It was very beautiful to see the blanket of white everywhere. Chulita had a grand time tasting the snow, rubbing her nose in it and basically just playing. She had such a blast!! and it was so much fun watching her. For more pics of our first snowy day, click on the link or here.