Thursday, May 13, 2010

Things are falling into place

Yesterday, I had a good BD meeting for work here in Montreal. It felt very good. Most of the meeting was in French and it felt as if I had been doing this for years. Truth be told, I have always wanted to speak more French at home. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and we tend do what comes natural and is easiest. Soon enough, I will get to speak all the French I want.  Who knows? Maybe one day I might end up with a little french accent when I speak English. Now that would be funny.
So far, we have rented a house, booked the phone and internet, and now a second car. Its fun and exciting working on all the details that have to get done. It is also nerve wracking making sure it will all gets done. Little by little we will tick things off the list, but in the meantime we will enjoy the moment of getting ready.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Luci! Now I can follow you on facbook, blog, skype, ummm, twitter? there has to be more places for all your wonderful photos!
