The other day a friend posted a lovely picture of a cow in England. When she stated how much she loved the site of a cow in a pasture just chewing away on the food, I could not help but agree with her. Every day on my way home I see countless cows scattered a long the countryside. It is peaceful and serene to just see them hang out.
Tomorrow, we have a friend coming over for dinner. I have been planning on serving organic steaks from my favorite local winery/beef purveyor. I called yesterday from work and was told to come today for better selection. I eagerly left the office and hurried down to
Vignoble Bressee and stocked up on both wine and beef.
After picking up a few steaks for tomorrow and some for the freezer, I stumbled upon more cows in the field. Having my camera close by, I stopped the car along the roadside and began taking a few pictures. Now, the irony of being thrilled with my beef purchase and eager to take pictures of my future meal does not escape me, but I couldn't resist. Each time I would start to walk away, they would walk closer to me. They were curious and eager to know what I was doing.
The neat thing about this area is the seasons are well pronounced. All winter the fields were white and full of snow. As the snow began to melt, the grass started to make an appearance. Then, came the cows. Little by little more of the fields had cows grazing. This fall, I will watch them retreat and go back indoors to guard against the harsh winter climate, but for now, I can continue to enjoy their peaceful sight.

Oh, I guess you might be wondering how the house is progressing. The latest progress is the basement. Gilles has lacked a bit of motivation since the weather has been so nice. He has found lots of excuses to procrastinate such as building a wood shed (very cute and charming), creating a running trail on our 5 acres. Finally, though, with my sister's upcoming family visit, he got his booty in gear . It is looking great. Now, he is just working on painting the closet doors and it will be perfect. The best part of it all is that we now have a tidy place to store all of our stuff. Previously it was all on the 2nd floor taking up room and looking cluttered.
Sorry, I have not written much lately. I will try to update stuff more frequently. Summer here is busy. The days are long so we try to cram more in one day. I hope you are all enjoying a fabulous summer with limited mosquito bites ;-)